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January 12, 2012

Today is the deadline for our Staff Lead Team to turn in our annual goals. I love dreaming. I need goals. They are related but different. Don’t treat goals like dreams.

Goals are useless when . . . 

. . . you use them to dream. You can write down “lose 25lbs. this year” but unless you have a plan of action to eat less and exercise more you’re only writing words on paper. Goals are useless motivators.

Goals are helpful when . . . 

. . . you use them to focus. Goals clear away all that you could do and identify what you will do. Goals are dreams wearing work clothes.

From → Leadership

  1. Dennis permalink

    Yes, I like that, Mark . . .”goals are dreams wearing work clothes.”

    • Thanks Dennis! If you’re like me it’s fun to dream but the work begins when I establish the incremental goals. Less “exciting” but more productive.

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