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3 Most Read Blog Posts in May

May 31, 2012

1) With This One Statement You Could Change Your Kid’s Life

As a parent, you want to raise kids who are “comfortable in their skin” and have the confidence to pursue extraordinary things for God. I want that for my son and my 3 daughters! I want to share a statement you can begin telling your kids today that can make a HUGE difference in their future confidence . . .

2) Here’s The Most Likely Way You’ll Become Unhappy with Your Job

What if there’s a job out there that pays more? What if there’s a job out there that’ll make you more happy?

Dan Gilbert’s book, Stumbling upon Happiness describes the human brain’s unique ability to create what he calls “synthetic happiness” even when things don’t go the way we want.

For example, Gilbert claims when Obama or Romney lose their presidential bid this November, he will claim years from now he is happier and better off because he lost. His brain will produce a “synthetic happiness” causing him to believe that unexpected opportunities or growth resulted from his loss which a win wouldn’t have produced . . .

3) 3 Ways to Make Bold Decisions WITH Your Spouse

Take a BIG step for God. But before you do let me give you some friendly advice: Make sure it’s a team decision between you and your spouse. Disclaimer: I don’t have this figured out but I’m learning it’s extremely important.

If you and your spouse aren’t equally called for a BIG step then IT WON’T WORK! . . .

BONUS: 4) After the failure, hurt, and disappointment

Just wanna think out loud today.

A BIG hurt, failure, or disappointment is usually followed by a “season of silence”. This season can last days, months, or years. It is difficult. It is lonely. In the end, it is meaningful. Based on my experience, a season of silence includes the following characteristics . . .

From → Leadership

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