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Wanna help me write a book?

November 15, 2013

Yesterday I signed a contract to write a book with Rainer Publishing in Nashville, TN. It will be a practical book focused on how you can forgive. My deadline to finish the book is April and it will release late Summer/early Fall.

Write a book

Wanna help me write it? Seriously?

Here’s how:

Email me ( your greatest personal story of how you forgave someone else. (Obviously, I won’t be able to use all stories and I won’t use your story without your permission.)

Help me help others experience the freedom of forgiveness.

From → Forgiveness

  1. Arlonne permalink

    Mark, I am so happy for you! I can’t wait to read it!

  2. Fortunehasit permalink

    I have had to forgive the doctors that were responsible for the death of my husband of 23 years and the father of my 5 kids. Went through a federal case wrongful death. Very very difficult and painful. It’s been 4 years since that trial and 6 years since my husband went to be with The Lord.

    Sent from my iPhone


    • That sounds like such a heart-wrenching tragedy to experience much less forgive. I can’t imagine. I didn’t see you contact information listed. If you’re willing, please email me at Grateful you’ve experienced forgiveness!

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